Héctor Sobrino Bazaga

Aquatic Landscapes


Samstag, 13. Juli, 15 Uhr
Konzert: „Aquatic Landscapes“


Just as water runs through the pipes of a building, sound wanders through each of the corners with which it collides. Aquatic landscapes proposes a link between both elements, mainly through a common quality: ephemerality. The links are also established between performer and listener, where the latter will take an active part in the creation of the sound discourse by means of canvases arranged around the room.


Born in Madrid, he studied his Bachelor’s degree in Zaragoza (Spain), focusing his career on contemporary and chamber music. Since September 2023 he continues his master studies in music performance at the ZHdK. He currently lives in Zürich, where he continues to develop his profile as a saxophonist and artist, coming into contact with new disciplines such as dance or painting.


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Instagram: @hectornudo_
Facebook: hector.sobrino.1